Connecting Instagram Accounts

How do I connect my Instagram account?

  1. Go to and login

  2. Press F12 to open the developer console.

    1. Alternatively, if you are on a Mac, press ⌘ + Shift + C

    2. If you are on Windows, press Ctrl + Shift + C

  3. Go to Application, find "Cookies" on the left sidebar, and open

  4. Find under the "Name" column, "sessionid" and copy it's value.

  5. This is your cookie. Paste it in The Super SaaS website.

How does The Super SaaS connect to my Instagram?

We connect to your Instagram account using your session cookie. We don't need your username or password.

Every time you log into Instagram on your PC browser, a new cookie is created for that "session." Each login has a different cookie.

If you log out or are disconnected, the cookie expires, and we are no longer connected to you. You can revoke access at any time by simply logging out of your Instagram account.

Is this secure?

Yes. We don’t need your account’s password. If you simply log out of your Instagram account, it will automatically revoke access to our system.

How many DMs should I send per day

This is up to you. Average is people do ~25 DMs/ day/ account. However, some people choose to do ~80DMs/ day/ account. We suggest you try various settings to find a sweet spot.

My Instagram connection to The Super SaaS keeps getting disconnected

This can be normal and generally is not a cause for concern. To fix it, simply reconnect your Instagram. After a few tries, this will be more “sticky” and you’ll be disconnected far less. The reason this happens is because our system can log in from a slightly different location than you, so you can get logged out.

To minimize how often you get disconnected, we highly recommend you setting up a separate browser profile (e.g. new Chrome profile) that's used exclusively for the Instagram account you use for The Super SaaS.

  1. Create a new browser profile

  2. Login to Instagram in that profile

  3. Get the cookie from that profile and paste it into The Super SaaS.

  4. Don't use this Instagram session for anything else. You can still freely access your Instagram from your phone/ other profiles if needed, but keep this one exclusively for The Super SaaS.

Will I get flagged for spam?

This system is not intended to do anything you cannot do personally. It's intended to help you reach out to people who have a genuine interest in your sales offer. As long as you don't spam (e.g. attempt to send thousands of messages per day without qualifying your leads), you should be fine.

Last updated